- Fees are to be paid in advance within the 10th of every month on any working day between 9.00am -12.00 noon.All guardians are requested not to pay fees without fee book.
- Once admission is taken ,no refund of the admission fees including other fees paid for the same or adjusted with any fees is permissible under any circumstances ,tuition fees once paid will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances.
- In case of any fee Discrepancy contact immediately the school office
- In case of loss of fee book, a duplicate fee book will be issued on payment of Rs 50 -only
- Defaulters in paying monthly fees have to pay a fine of rs 20/- per month
- It is compulsory to pay additional charges for Examination,Annually sports , Saraswati Puja, Annual Function and Souvernier , if they are organized by school management